Create Reliable Income by Using an Investing System

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In 2020, a friend approached me with a straightforward yet ambitious goal: to create a system that would generate $10,000 a month. With years of experience in the stock market, I took on the challenge. The result was a comprehensive system that not only met his needs but has since helped numerous investors transition from working for money to investing for passive income. If the idea of creating reliable passive income resonates with you, this presentation is for you. My name is Mark Yegge, and I'm the author of a book dedicated to passive income from the stock market. In this blog post, I will outline the key takeaways from my video presentation on how to create reliable income using an investing system.


 Why Cash Flow Investing Beats Buy and Hold Investing

  1. Consistent Income Stream: Unlike the buy-and-hold strategy, which relies on the stock price appreciation and occasional dividends, cash flow investing provides a consistent stream of income. By utilizing covered calls, investors can generate monthly income regardless of market conditions.
  2. Risk Management: Cash flow investing allows for better risk management. By generating income through options premiums, investors can cushion their portfolios against market downturns and volatility. This approach also enables reinvestment of earned premiums, compounding returns over time.
  3. Flexibility: Cash flow investing offers more flexibility compared to the buy-and-hold strategy. Investors can adjust their positions based on market conditions, allowing for proactive management and adaptation to changing market environments.


 The Secret to Creating Reliable Passive Income

The key to creating reliable passive income lies in a systematic approach to investing. Here are the core principles of my system:


  1. Selecting the Right Stocks: Focus on high-quality, stable companies that are less volatile and have a strong track record. These companies are more likely to provide consistent income and are less prone to sudden drops in stock price.
  2. Using Covered Calls: Selling covered calls on selected stocks can generate a steady stream of income. This strategy involves owning the underlying stock and selling call options against it. The premiums collected from selling the call options provide regular income.


  1. Consistent Monitoring and Adjustment: Regularly monitor your portfolio and adjust your positions as needed. This includes rolling over options contracts, reassessing stock selections, and reinvesting income to maximize returns.


 Real Trade Setup on Google

To illustrate the effectiveness of this system, let’s look at a real trade setup on Google (now Alphabet Inc., ticker symbol: GOOGL). Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Stock Selection: Google is a stable, high-quality company with strong financials and growth prospects, making it an ideal candidate for a covered call strategy.
  2. Buying the Stock: Purchase shares of Google, ensuring you have a sufficient number of shares to sell call options against.
  3. Selling Covered Calls: Sell call options on your Google shares with a strike price slightly above the current market price. Choose an expiration date that aligns with your income goals and risk tolerance.
  4. Collecting Premiums: As the option seller, you collect premiums from the buyer of the call options. This premium is your immediate income, regardless of the stock's performance.
  5. Managing the Position: If the stock price remains below the strike price at expiration, you keep the premium and can sell another covered call. If the stock price rises above the strike price, you may need to sell your shares at the strike price, potentially realizing additional capital gains.


 Life Improving Tips

  1. Diversify Your Income Streams: Don’t rely solely on one method of generating income. Combine cash flow investing with other passive income strategies like dividend investing, real estate, or creating online content.
  2. Stay Educated: Continuously educate yourself about market trends, new investment strategies, and financial management. Knowledge is a powerful tool in making informed decisions.
  3. Be Patient: Building a reliable income stream takes time and persistence. Stay patient and stick to your plan, even when market conditions are challenging.



Q: How much capital do I need to start with covered calls? 

A: While more capital allows for more flexibility, you can start with as little as a few thousand dollars. The key is to select stocks that fit your budget and gradually build your portfolio.


Q: Are covered calls risky? 

A: All investments carry some level of risk. However, covered calls are generally considered a lower-risk strategy because you own the underlying stock and generate income through options premiums.


Q: Can I use this strategy in a retirement account? 

A: Yes, you can use covered calls in certain types of retirement accounts, such as IRAs. Be sure to check with your account provider for specific rules and regulations.


Call to Action

If you’re interested in learning more about creating reliable passive income through covered calls, watch my full presentation by clicking the link below. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more insights and strategies on investing for passive income. Together, we can build a future where your money works for you, freeing you from the grind of working for money.

Get started today


Creating a reliable income stream through investing doesn’t have to be complicated or out of reach. By following a systematic approach to cash flow investing and leveraging strategies like covered calls, you can generate consistent income and build a more secure financial future. Start today by educating yourself, practicing with paper trading, and gradually implementing these strategies in your own portfolio. Here’s to your financial success!