Eli Lilly Just Reported Numbers: Should You Consider a Covered Call?

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In the world of investing, market conditions can shift rapidly, and it's crucial to adapt your strategies accordingly. Recently, Eli Lilly (LLY) released an impressive earnings report, which led to a significant 9% jump in its stock price. With the market currently in a "red condition," meaning it is more likely to decline than rise, investors are now faced with the question: Should you consider a covered call strategy on Eli Lilly to capitalize on this situation?


The recent surge in Eli Lilly’s stock price has captured the attention of many investors. The company's earnings report exceeded expectations, driving the stock up nearly 9% in a single day. This dramatic increase, coupled with high trading volume, signals a strong response from the market. However, in a red market, where the likelihood of a downturn is greater, it is essential to adopt a more conservative approach to trading.

One effective strategy in such a scenario is the covered call. A covered call involves holding a long position in a stock while simultaneously selling call options on that stock to generate income. This strategy is particularly useful when you expect the stock’s price to remain flat or decrease slightly in the near term.

For Eli Lilly, a deep in-the-money covered call could be an ideal move. Here’s why:

1.Current Stock Price: Eli Lilly is trading at $845.53 after its earnings report.

2.Choosing the Right Call: The recommended strategy is to sell the $830 strike price call options, which are $15 in-the-money.

3.Premium Collection: By selling these options, you can collect approximately $8.90 per share in premium, providing a 1% return over a 7-day period.

4.Risk Management: The deep in-the-money call offers a cushion in case the stock price pulls back, which is a possibility given the overall market conditions. The stock would need to drop significantly below $830 before any losses are incurred.

This approach provides a balance between generating income and protecting your investment from potential downturns in the market.

 Life-Improving Tips for Covered Call Investing

1.Understand Market Conditions: Always assess the current market environment before deciding on a strategy. In a red market, focus on protecting your capital while still seeking opportunities for steady returns.

2.Choose Deep In-the-Money Calls: Especially if you're new to covered calls, consider going deep in-the-money to provide a cushion against potential declines in stock prices.

3.Set Realistic Expectations: Aim for consistent, modest returns rather than trying to hit a home run. A 1% return per week may not seem like much, but it can add up to significant gains over time.

4.Monitor Your Investments: Regularly review your covered call positions to ensure they are still aligned with your market outlook and risk tolerance.

5.Stay Informed: Keep an eye on earnings reports, market trends, and other relevant news that could impact your investments.


Q: What is a covered call?

A: A covered call is an options strategy where you hold a long position in a stock and sell call options on the same stock to generate income. It’s a conservative strategy often used when the stock price is expected to remain flat or decline slightly.

Q: Why choose deep in-the-money calls?

A: Deep in-the-money calls provide a cushion against potential declines in stock price, offering a higher level of protection for your investment.

Q: Is a 1% weekly return significant?

A: Yes, a 1% return per week can lead to a 50% annual return if the strategy is consistently applied, making it a compelling option for conservative investors.

Q: What risks are involved with covered calls?

A: The primary risk is that the stock price could fall below the strike price of the sold call, potentially leading to a loss. However, choosing deep in-the-money options can mitigate this risk.


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Eli Lilly’s recent earnings report presents a unique opportunity for investors to employ a covered call strategy, particularly in a volatile market. By choosing deep in-the-money calls, you can generate steady income while protecting your investment from potential losses. This approach is especially beneficial in the current red market, where preserving capital and managing risk should be top priorities.