FICO Stock Breakout - Should You Write Covered Calls?

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Hey there, it's Mark Yegge! Today, I want to share an exciting opportunity that's just come across my screen – a potential breakout on FICO stock. Additionally, we'll dive into covered call analysis on FICO, giving you a two-for-one breakdown of chart reading and options strategy. Let’s get started!


 FICO Stock Analysis

FICO's chart is showing a promising pattern, moving beautifully from the lower left to the upper right. This kind of growth is what we look for in potential breakouts.



- Earnings Per Share Growth: FICO has shown consistent growth in earnings per share, contributing to its strong chart performance.

- Sales Growth: The company is also seeing solid growth in sales, though its return on equity could be higher.


 Breakout Patterns

FICO's stock has a history of running up, consolidating, and then breaking out again. Currently, it's in an early-stage base, signaling another potential breakout at around $1,450.


 Covered Call Analysis

With the market now shifting to green, this is an opportune time to look at covered calls. Covered calls can provide additional income while holding the stock, especially if you believe in its long-term growth potential.


 Option Chain Overview

- Current Price: Around $1,450.

- At-the-Money Option: $1,460 with a $43.80 premium.

- Out-of-the-Money Option: $1,500 with a $24.30 premium.



Given the potential for a breakout to $1,700, a conservative approach is to sell the $1,500 covered call, which provides some upside room. This option offers about 4-4.5% return, which annualizes to around 74% if done repeatedly. This is a significant gain compared to inflation rates and other investment options.



  1. What is a stock breakout?

A stock breakout occurs when the price moves above a resistance level or below a support level with increased volume, signaling the beginning of a new trend.


  1. Why is FICO considered a good breakout candidate?

FICO has shown consistent growth and is currently in an early-stage base, indicating it might be ready for another upward trend.


  1. What are covered calls?

Covered calls are an options strategy where you sell call options against a stock you already own, providing additional income while potentially capping the upside.


  1. Why should I consider covered calls on FICO?

Covered calls on FICO can provide significant income while allowing for potential capital appreciation if the stock continues to rise.


  1. How can I learn more about spotting breakouts and trading strategies?

Joining Mark Yegge's "Trade Like a Pro Accelerator" course can provide you with the skills and knowledge to identify breakouts and execute trading strategies effectively.


 Life-Improving Tips

While navigating the world of investing and trading can be exciting and potentially profitable, it's also important to maintain a balanced and fulfilling life. Here are some tips to help you improve various aspects of your life:


  1. Stay Informed, But Take Breaks

- Investing Tip: Keep yourself updated with market trends and news, but avoid information overload. Take regular breaks to refresh your mind.

- Life Tip: Balance your screen time with physical activities or hobbies that relax and rejuvenate you.


  1. Practice Mindfulness and Stress Management

- Investing Tip: Trading can be stressful. Practice mindfulness or meditation to manage anxiety and maintain a clear, focused mind.

- Life Tip: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, such as through yoga or breathing exercises, to improve overall well-being.


  1. Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

- Investing Tip: Set specific trading hours and stick to them. Avoid letting trading activities encroach on your personal time.

- Life Tip: Prioritize time with family and friends, and engage in activities that you enjoy outside of work and trading.


  1. Continuous Learning and Personal Development

- Investing Tip: Stay curious and keep learning about new trading strategies and market developments.

- Life Tip: Commit to lifelong learning in all areas of life. Read books, take courses, and explore new hobbies or skills.


  1. Financial Management and Budgeting

- Investing Tip: Create and stick to a trading plan, managing your risk and setting clear financial goals.

- Life Tip: Budget your finances wisely. Save and invest a portion of your income for future security and opportunities.


  1. Healthy Lifestyle Choices

- Investing Tip: Maintain good physical health to ensure you have the energy and focus needed for trading.

- Life Tip: Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get adequate sleep to support your overall health and well-being.


  1. Build a Support Network

- Investing Tip: Engage with a community of traders or find a mentor to share insights and support each other.

- Life Tip: Cultivate a strong support system of family, friends, and colleagues who can offer guidance and encouragement in all aspects of life.


  1. Set Realistic Goals and Be Patient

- Investing Tip: Set achievable trading goals and be patient with the market. Success often comes over time.

- Life Tip: Apply the same principle to your personal life. Set realistic goals and work steadily towards them, celebrating small achievements along the way.

I hope these tips help you achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. If you have any other questions or need further advice, feel free to reach out. Stay tuned for more insights and happy trading!


 Call to Action

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Interested in becoming a better trader? Join the "Trade Like a Pro Accelerator" course to learn how to spot breakouts before they happen and maximize your trading potential.

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Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to leave a comment or reach out directly. Happy trading!