How to Create Weekly Passive Income Using Covered Calls

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Are you worried about running out of money before you run out of life? Many retirees and investors face this concern, but there’s a way to avoid it: covered calls. Covered calls are an options trading strategy that can generate consistent passive income, providing financial security in retirement or helping you reach your income goals faster. This blog post will guide you through how to turn a small account into a $5,000 weekly passive income using this powerful technique.

What Are Covered Calls?

In simple terms, covered calls are a strategy where you own a stock and sell the right to buy that stock to another investor at a predetermined price within a specific time frame. In exchange for selling that right, you collect a premium, which provides you with regular income. This strategy is a favorite among investors looking to generate consistent cash flow rather than waiting for stocks to appreciate over the long term.

Transitioning From Traditional Stock Investments to Options Trading

Most people are familiar with traditional investing, such as buying and holding stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. However, this approach can be slow, and inflation may erode your buying power. Covered calls, on the other hand, allow you to earn consistent income even when the market is sideways. It offers the potential to beat inflation by generating returns that far exceed the average return from conventional portfolios.

By selling call options against your stock holdings, you can hedge against potential declines and collect a premium that lowers your cost basis. This income-generating approach creates a steady stream of cash flow, which can be reinvested or withdrawn as desired.

The Systemized Approach to Covered Calls

Success with covered calls requires a systematic approach. You need to follow a set of rules that determine:

  1. The right stock to buy – Look for companies with solid fundamentals, like Google, Apple, or Amazon, which have high growth potential and strong financials.
  2. The right market conditions – It’s important to assess the overall market environment to ensure that your trades align with positive trends.
  3. The right spot on the chart – Timing is everything in trading. You should look for technical indicators that signal when a stock is likely to move in your favor.
  4. Collecting the juice – This refers to the premiums you collect from selling call options. This regular income stream is what makes covered calls so effective for passive income generation.

Example of a Covered Call Strategy with Google Stock

To give you an idea of how this works, let’s consider Google (now Alphabet Inc.) as an example. Let’s say you buy 500 shares of Google at $155.40 per share. You decide to sell call options with a strike price of $155, which means you’re giving someone else the right to buy your shares for $155 within a 29-day

period. In exchange, you collect a premium of $6.65 per share. This premium lower your break-even price, providing a buffer against market declines.

By repeating this strategy regularly, you could generate a monthly return of 4%, which translates into significant passive income over time.

Realistic Income Expectations

Starting with a small account, like $100,000, you might not hit $5,000 per week right away. However, with disciplined trading and reinvesting your earnings, you could grow your account significantly. By year four, you could realistically start pulling in $20,000 per month, provided you follow a proven system and remain patient.

For example, even starting with $150,000 and earning a modest 3% return per month, you could start taking out $10,000 per month by year three. Over time, this income grows as your account balance compounds, leading to a robust passive income stream.

Life-Improving Tips for Covered Call Investors

  1. Stick to a Plan: The key to success with covered calls is consistency. Develop a strategy that works in different market conditions and stick to it, even when things get tough.
  2. Manage Your Emotions: Emotions like fear and greed can sabotage your trading. A clear, unemotional approach ensures you don’t make rash decisions.
  3. Reinvest for Growth: In the early stages, consider reinvesting your premium income to grow your account faster. Once your account reaches a certain level, you can start withdrawing income while still allowing your account to grow.
  4. Stay Educated: Markets evolve, and so should you. Keep learning about market trends, options strategies, and risk management techniques to stay ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What’s the difference between buying and selling options?

A: Buying options is speculative, meaning you're betting on the stock’s movement. Selling options, like with covered calls, generates income from premiums regardless of stock movement, making it a more conservative strategy.

Q: How much money do I need to start?

A: You can start with as little as $15,000, but to generate more significant income, a higher account balance is recommended. For instance, with $150,000, you can start earning passive income faster.

Q: Is covered call trading risky?

A: Every investment carries some risk, but covered calls are generally considered lower-risk because you own the underlying stock and collect premiums, providing a buffer against losses.

Q: How often can I sell covered calls?

A: You can sell covered calls as frequently as monthly, weekly, or even bi-weekly, depending on the stock and the options market.

Call to Action

If you’re ready to start generating consistent passive income, consider learning more about covered calls. Sign up for courses like the "Cash Flow Machine" to get access to a proven system that can guide you toward financial independence. Don’t wait—take control of your financial future today!

Get started today


Covered calls offer a powerful way to generate passive income and achieve financial security. With the right system, discipline, and a bit of patience, you can turn a modest account into a substantial income stream. Whether you’re nearing retirement or simply looking to create extra income, covered calls are worth exploring.