How to Make $7K with an NVIDIA Covered Call Strategy in Just 8 Days

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If you're interested in capitalizing on the current hype surrounding NVIDIA, this blog post is for you. NVIDIA has been one of the hottest stocks lately, even surpassing Tesla in popularity. With earnings on the horizon, now might be the perfect time to execute a covered call strategy that could potentially net you $7K in just eight days.

Understanding NVIDIA's Stock Movement

NVIDIA’s stock has seen a short-term downtrend but remains in a medium to long-term uptrend. Recently, it has corrected by about $50, which presents a potential entry point for investors looking to profit from its volatility. The key is to time your entry before the company’s earnings report, set to be released in nine days. Given the current market conditions, there’s a chance that the stock may rally as excitement builds around the earnings report.

The Covered Call Strategy

To maximize your profits while minimizing risk, consider using a covered call strategy. This involves buying NVIDIA stock and simultaneously selling call options against it. The idea is to generate income from the option premiums while protecting yourself against downside risk. In this scenario, if the stock price stays the same or goes up, you can pocket the option premium and potentially make around 6.1% in just eight days.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Purchase NVIDIA Stock: Let’s say you buy NVIDIA stock at around $125 per share.
  2. Sell Call Options: You then sell call options with a strike price slightly out of the money, say $126, expiring just before the earnings report.
  3. Profit from the Premium: The premium you collect from selling the call options provides a cushion. If the stock price doesn’t fall, you stand to make up to $763, which equates to a 6.1% return in just over a week.

Risk Management

While this strategy offers potential upside, it's not without risks. NVIDIA is known for its volatile price swings, especially around earnings announcements. If the stock price drops significantly, the premium from the covered call provides some downside protection, but there’s still a risk of loss if the price falls below the breakeven point.

To mitigate this, consider exiting the position before the earnings announcement. This way, you can lock in your gains without exposing yourself to the unpredictable post-earnings market reaction.

Life-Improving Tips

- Diversify Your Income: Don't rely solely on one strategy or stock. Diversifying your investment strategies can provide a more stable and consistent income.

- Stay Informed: Always keep an eye on market trends and company news. This helps you make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary risks.

- Risk Management: Know your risk tolerance and have a clear exit strategy before entering any trade. This protects you from potential losses and ensures you don’t hold onto losing positions for too long.


  1. What is a covered call?

A covered call is an options strategy where you own the underlying stock and sell a call option against it. This generates income from the option premium while capping potential upside.

  1. Why is NVIDIA a good stock for this strategy?

NVIDIA’s volatility, especially around earnings, makes it ideal for a covered call strategy, as the premiums tend to be higher, offering more income potential.

  1. What are the risks involved?

The primary risk is the stock price dropping significantly, which could lead to losses if it falls below your breakeven point.

  1. Should I hold the position through earnings?

Holding through earnings increases risk due to potential large price swings. It’s often safer to exit before the earnings announcement.

Call to Action

Ready to try this strategy? Before you dive in, make sure to do your research and understand the risks involved. If you're new to options trading, consider watching more educational videos or consulting with a financial advisor. Don’t forget to subscribe to our free newsletter for more insider tips and exclusive content.

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The NVIDIA covered call strategy offers a potentially lucrative opportunity to earn around $7K in just eight days, but it’s essential to approach it with caution. By understanding the risks and carefully timing your entry and exit, you can make the most of this strategy. Happy trading!