Retire by Building a $10K Per Month Salary Using LEAPS in the QQQ

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Generating a stable monthly income through the stock market is a goal for many investors seeking financial freedom. One way to achieve this is by using Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS), specifically in ETFs like the QQQ. This method allows investors to control a large amount of stock for a fraction of the cost. In this guide, we will walk through a step-by-step process to generate a $10,000 monthly income using LEAPS on the QQQ ETF, based on the teachings of Mark Yi.

Understanding LEAPS and the Strategy

LEAPS are essentially long-term stock options that allow investors to control shares of a company or ETF without directly purchasing them. In this strategy, we focus on buying LEAPS for the QQQ, a popular ETF that tracks the Nasdaq 100.

Here's how the process unfolds:

  1. Start with a Portfolio: Begin with an investment portfolio of $200,000. The goal is to generate $10,000 in monthly income by using LEAPS to control stock positions.
  2. Select the Right ETF and Timing: Mark Yi suggests using QQQ because of its volatility, making it ideal for this strategy. Timing is crucial, and the idea is to buy the QQQ LEAPS when the market is trending upward to stack the odds in your favor.
  3. Buying LEAPS Instead of Stock: To control 100 shares of QQQ, buying the stock outright costs approximately $48,000. By purchasing LEAPS, you can control the same 100 shares for a significantly smaller investment of around $13,000. This allows you to control more shares with less capital.
  4. Selling Covered Calls for Income: Once you own LEAPS, you can sell weekly covered calls against them. The goal is to generate weekly income through the premium received from selling these calls. Target calls with a 20-30% chance of being exercised (i.e., Delta of 0.20-0.30), providing steady income without significant risk of having the LEAPS exercised.
  5. Accumulating Income: Selling weekly covered calls against your LEAPS can generate approximately $120-$150 per week per contract. With 15 contracts (equivalent to controlling 1,500 shares), this translates into around $1,890 per week or roughly $7,500 per month. Combined with potential capital appreciation, this brings the total monthly income close to the target of $10,000.

Tips for Maximizing Income with LEAPS on QQQ

  1. Leverage LEAPS for Larger Control: By using LEAPS, you can control four times the number of shares compared to buying the stock outright. This allows you to maximize the returns on your initial investment while minimizing the cash required.
  2. Choose Weekly Covered Calls for More Income: Selling weekly options provides higher flexibility and more frequent income compared to monthly options. This strategy ensures consistent income and allows you to adjust positions based on market conditions.
  3. Market Timing Is Key: Mark Yi emphasizes entering the market when it is trending upward. By following the market's general upward trend, you increase the probability of success. Look for setups like a strong price movement or a breakout on the QQQ chart.
  4. Leave Room for Market Variations: The strategy assumes an annual market increase of around 10%, but the real world is full of ups and downs. By conservatively estimating your returns and allowing room for error, you create a cushion against potential market downturns.
  5. Compound Your Gains: Over time, reinvesting the income generated from selling calls can help grow your portfolio and generate even more income, potentially increasing your monthly income to $20,000 or more.

Life-improving tips

  1. Automate Your Wealth Growth:

   Using LEAPS allows you to manage long-term investments with minimal time commitment. This gives you more freedom to focus on other areas of life, reducing stress and decision fatigue while growing your wealth passively.

  1. Risk Management for Peace of Mind:

   By leveraging a conservative approach with LEAPS and setting up a cushion, you can minimize market volatility's impact, which brings peace of mind and reduces financial anxiety.

  1. Time Flexibility:

   The strategy takes less than an hour a week to manage, giving you more time for family, personal growth, or relaxation. This balance leads to better mental and emotional well-being.

  1. Achieve Financial Independence:

   Consistently earning income from your investments helps you achieve financial independence faster. This security can improve your quality of life, enabling you to pursue passions and spend more time doing things you love.

  1. Build Long-Term Confidence:

   Learning and executing a clear, strategic financial system like LEAPS will build your confidence in managing money. Over time, this financial empowerment will positively impact other areas of your life as well.


  1. What are LEAPS?

   LEAPS are long-term options that allow investors to control stock or ETF positions without purchasing the underlying asset outright. They usually have expiration dates of more than one year, making them ideal for long-term strategies.

  1. Why use QQQ?

   QQQ is a well-known ETF that tracks the Nasdaq 100, consisting of large, growth-oriented tech companies. Its volatility and growth potential make it suitable for generating income using LEAPS and covered calls.

  1. Is this strategy risky?

   Like any stock market investment, there is risk. However, by using LEAPS, you're limiting the amount of capital required to control large positions. The risk mainly comes from market downturns, which can decrease the value of your LEAPS.

  1. What happens if the market drops?

   If the market drops, your LEAPS may lose value, but you can mitigate some losses by adjusting the options you sell, using different hedging strategies, or waiting for the market to recover.

  1. How much time does it take to manage this strategy?

   Once the system is in place, managing the strategy requires minimal time—usually less than an hour per week. This makes it an efficient way to generate passive income.

Call to Action

If you're interested in building a reliable income stream of $10,000 or more per month through the stock market, this strategy offers a simple yet effective solution. By leveraging LEAPS and selling covered calls, you can grow your portfolio and create consistent, semi-passive income. Visit [Cashflow Machine] ( for more resources, masterclasses, and insights into building your financial future.

Get started today


Generating $10,000 per month in income from the stock market is achievable with the right strategy. By using LEAPS and covered calls on the QQQ, you can leverage your portfolio, maximize your income, and enjoy the benefits of a smart, long-term investment approach. This step-by-step guide shows how to take advantage of this powerful technique, allowing you to retire comfortably with a solid, predictable income stream.