Today's Breakout Stock: Arista Networks (ANET)

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In this blog post, we dive into the latest stock analysis from Mark Yi, who shares insights on a promising breakout stock: Arista Networks (ANET). As of May 13, 2024, Mark identifies ANET as a top pick, highlighting its strong market position, impressive growth, and favorable technical setup.


 Why Arista Networks?

Arista Networks operates in the computer networking industry, a sector that has been consistently performing well. Despite some fluctuations, ANET remains a standout performer with a strong growth trajectory.

  1. Impressive Earnings Growth: Over the past seven years, ANET's earnings have skyrocketed from $140 to an expected $790 this year. This substantial growth underscores the company's robust financial health and market potential.
  2. Quarterly Growth: ANET has consistently reported double-digit growth in both earnings and sales quarter over quarter, reflecting its ability to sustain its growth momentum.
  3. High Return on Equity: The company boasts a high return on equity and maintains low debt levels, further solidifying its financial stability.


 Technical Analysis

Mark Yegge provides a detailed technical analysis of ANET, illustrating why it stands out as a breakout stock:

  1. Breakout Point: ANET is at a critical breakout point, trading around $308 to $310. This aligns with a green market, making it a favorable time to consider entering the stock.
  2. Historical Performance: The stock has experienced a significant run-up from $132 to its current level, demonstrating a $175 movement.
  3. Future Potential: Based on the ABCD pattern and other technical indicators, Mark projects that ANET could reach $415. An interim target of $360 to $370 offers a potential spot for profit-taking and reassessment.


 Trading Strategy

Mark recommends the following strategy for trading ANET:

  1. Entry Point: Enter the stock around $308 to $310.
  2. Stop Loss: Set a stop loss at $286.41 to mitigate risk.
  3. Target Price: Aim for a target price of $415, with an interim target around $360 to $370 for potential profit-taking.


 Life Improving Tips

  1. Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about market trends and company fundamentals to make informed investment decisions.
  2. Diversify: Spread your investments across different sectors to minimize risk.
  3. Set Clear Goals: Define your financial goals and develop a strategy to achieve them, whether through growth stocks, dividend stocks, or other investment vehicles.



Q: What is a breakout stock?

A: A breakout stock is one that moves above a resistance level with increased volume, indicating potential for further upward movement.


Q: Why is ANET considered a breakout stock?

A: ANET is at a critical breakout point, supported by strong earnings growth, high return on equity, and favorable technical indicators.


Q: What is the importance of a stop loss?

A: A stop loss helps protect your investment by limiting potential losses if the stock moves against your position.


 Call to Action

Interested in learning more about stock trading strategies and market analysis? Subscribe to Mark Yi's [YouTube channel]( for regular updates and insights. Don't forget to smash that like button and share this post with fellow investors!



Arista Networks (ANET) presents a compelling opportunity for investors looking for a breakout stock in a thriving industry. With strong financials, consistent growth, and a promising technical setup, ANET is well-positioned for further gains. However, as always, conduct your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.