Welcome to the Wealth Architect Podcast


Introduction to the Wealth Architect Podcast

I’m excited to be here and embark on this podcast journey with you. Let's dive into creating and having fun while exploring topics not typically covered in traditional education.

The Need for Practical Education

Our school systems often overlook crucial life skills like financial literacy, investing, and negotiating. I aim to challenge this by focusing on practical knowledge that empowers individuals to take control of their financial future.

Shifting Perspectives

Education should prioritize essential life skills over optional historical and theoretical subjects. Let’s reshape our approach to learning by emphasizing real-world applications.

The Shortcomings of Traditional Education

Many graduates face financial struggles despite investing heavily in education. It's time to rethink our priorities and ensure education equips us with the tools to thrive in the real world.

About Mark Yegge, Your Host

I’m Mark Yegge, a wealth architect with extensive experience in finance, including Wall Street brokerage and electronic trading. My mission is to share insights and strategies for financial success.

Focus Areas of the Podcast

Join me as we delve into diverse topics, including stock market insights, passive income strategies, and the importance of a success-driven mindset.

Investing Philosophy

I advocate a holistic investing strategy encompassing hard assets, soft assets, tech assets (such as crypto), and entrepreneurship. Let’s explore how to achieve sustainable cash flow and financial freedom.

Lifestyle and Financial Balance

While money is essential, true wealth extends beyond finances. Let’s discuss achieving a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes personal growth, positive mindset, and enjoying life.

Future of the Wealth Architect Podcast

This podcast aims to be a resource for financial education, featuring guest experts and insightful discussions. Stay tuned for engaging content that empowers your financial journey.

Video Podcast Format

In addition to audio episodes, we’ll offer a video podcast to enhance your learning experience. Visual content will complement discussions, providing deeper insights into financial concepts.


Thank you for joining me on this inaugural episode. I look forward to navigating this podcast together and welcome your feedback as we grow and evolve. Stay tuned for weekly episodes packed with valuable insights!