Donā€™t Charge your Car; NVidia Stock getting rekt

Hey everybody, Mark Yegge host of the wealth architect podcast. It is just a quickie today to bring up a couple of points in the news that I thought were interesting. If you live in California, you probably know about this, maybe you don’t. But if you don’t live in...

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Bed,Bath & Beyond, stay away! (BBBY)

Bed Bath and Beyond is in trouble.  This is a meme stock that was driven way up, you probably heard this guy Cohen made like $100 million on a $25 million investment. And there were a bunch of young people that made money. It was a meme stock, kind of like AMC, and GameStop. And they...

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The FED is spooking the markets again

Mark Yegge here, wealth architect and lifestyle investor. I just want to give you an update as of the 23rd of August.  The Fed is going to be having a meeting I think in the next couple of days over in Jackson Hole. They do this every year. And everybody builds up all this...

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Is Tesla going to $3,500?

I want to talk about Tesla, and why I think it’s going higher and higher and higher from here. Now, it’s going to be a rocky road along the way, no stock chart is a straight line. It’s a squiggly line. But if you squint like Peter Lynch says, that line looks from lower left to...

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Is the Crash Over? Tesla-Apple-Facebook Destroyed.

Is the market crashing? Or a better question? Is it finished crashing? Because we know it’s already sold off a lot. We’ll be talking about that question. I’m going to try to walk you through what’s going on with the major indexes and some stocks, that all seem to...

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The Netflix Debacle (and lessons)

Today we’re talking Netflix, Netflix just had this horrendous, horrendous week last week. And they basically warned, they’re losing all kinds of subscribers, because you know, everybody’s going back to work, right? And so, if everybody is going back to work, they’re going...

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Teach Your Kids About MoneyTeach Your Kids About Money

When is a good time to teach them?!

In school, we teach our kids the A,B,C’s, math skills, Shakespeare, and all sorts of things that are somewhat important, and then again, most are not. When do we teach our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc…about money? Well,...

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Live the Life of your Dreams

We all dream….well at least I think we do….I know I do…I dreams about how I can make things better in my life.  And then I take action in that direction.  I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a really great friend, Jim Hughes.  He totally lives by the...

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How to Make Multiple Streams

Today I have a very special guest. At age 40 he retired as a corporate vice president in mergers and acquisitions in international banking. He completed of over 100 transactions consistently every year in real estate without a sales team or an assistant. This guy’s all about...

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How To Make People Love You ā€“ Dale Carnegieā€™s HU Principles

So often what I do is talk strictly about money. And today, I’m going to stray a little bit from that because I promised that I would be talking about success secrets. And I always want to start with the basics. So, for me, when I was a little kid, my dad was into personal...

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Your House Is Not An Asset

Okay, so is your house an asset? I mean, this is a question that I get all the time. And you know, most people have been brainwashed to think that their house is an asset, right? But is it really an asset? So let me just go with the basic definition of what an asset is. And we’ll...

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Tesla More Tesla and Twitter

One of the big stories lately, and actually over the last couple of weeks has been Tesla. And there’s a couple of pieces of news about Tesla, I’m not going to get really into it, because, you know, I could open up a video podcast and go over the charts. And, that’d be...

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