Eli Lilly Just Reported Numbers: Should You Consider a Covered Call?


In the world of investing, market conditions can shift rapidly, and it's crucial to adapt your strategies accordingly. Recently, Eli Lilly (LLY) released an impressive earnings report, which led to a significant 9% jump in its stock price. With the market currently in a "red...

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Why NVIDIA May Be Topping (Short Term)

In this video, Mark Yegge raises a pertinent question: Is NVIDIA, often touted as the next big stock, showing signs of topping, at least in the short term? Despite its impressive performance, recent developments in NVIDIA's chart suggest potential challenges ahead. Let's delve into Mark's...

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Smart Covered Call Traders: Getting Probabilities on Your Side

Have you ever wondered how casinos always seem to win in the long run? The answer lies in probabilities. Just like the house in Las Vegas or Atlantic City, successful investors know how to tilt the odds in their favor. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can leverage probabilities to...

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